My name is Carl Broughton II and when I created FilmEra I never knew it would grow into what it has become today. We have a diverse group of writers from all over the world representing the underrepresented and the underheard voices of the film community. Within our first year, we have not only acquired press accreditations to some of the biggest film festivals in the world but have also become one of the fastest growing film coverage sites of 2018.
A New Era of Film Coverage: FilmEra offers cinephiles a platform from which to voice their perspectives on visual media (Film, TV), to challenge the reader’s expectations of what media conveys–regardless of whether that media was released today or decades in the past. The visual medium is a story-telling device capable of strong emotions, and our community of passionate writers would like you to share in that passion as they shine their own perspective on what makes this medium so important to us all.
How to write for us:
We currently can’t afford to pay writers and run off of donations and small ad revenue. We compensate writers by helping them with screeners, promoting their work, and obtaining press accreditation to the biggest festivals in the world. Come June 2019 we will be able to compensate writers by purchasing movie tickets, and renting films for them to cover.
- Must be 18 years of age, no exceptions
- Must be open to criticism and having your work edited, no exceptions
- No sexism, racism, bigotry, or promotion of violence will be tolerated
- If accepted must agree to our policy
- Must be able to communicate with the staff
Once you agree to those 5 rules, email us at with clips of your writing, a bio about yourself and expertise in film, and links to your letterboxed/twitter profile.
FilmEra accepts writers of all colors, ethnicity, beliefs, sexuality, and various regions.
Think you have what it takes? Email us at and don’t forget to follow us on twitter